Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian

The common cicada – Lyristes plebejus

Working in the State Nature Reserve «Utrish» in early June 2013, I witnessed a mass emergence from the soil of nymphs of the common cicada (Lyristes plebejus). For several nights in a row, they crawled out from under my tent  literally…


Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian_exuvium

Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian_exuvium

Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian_exuvium


Up to four years the nymphs live in the soil, where they suck juice from rootlets of various plants. At the appointed time, nymphs of the last age come out of the soil. Usually this occurs in the first half of the night. The nymphs creep up on tree trunks, and if they are not around, they can lift up to any elevation and even to tall grass. Usually by dawn the metamorphosis is completed, and the young winged cicadas meet the morning in the crown and, as soon as the rays of the rising sun touch them, begin their loud song …


Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian

Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian_nimph

Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian

Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian_exuvium











Once I saw a cicada with its unhardened wings fell from the branch and slightly damaged the wing. A drop of hemolymph appeared. The hemolymph was blue! When the wings completely hardened, the cicada flew off safely …

Lyristes plebejus_Krasnodar Territory_North-Western Caucasus_common cicada_Cicada plebeian
«The blue blood»

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